Saturday, June 30, 2012

30 June 2012 little of import to say

          Cassi Creek:  I managed to sleep in until 0730 today. 

          By 1339 it is already 98°F.  Yesterday topped out at 101°F.  I suspect it will be even warmer today.  It takes only a few moments outdoors in this hear to learn why the tropical latitudes custom of siesta evolved.  It is simply too hot to care about anything but cooling off.  It also hammers home the reason that the southern/red states remained so lacking in education and inventiveness until the advent of air conditioning. 
          A friend of mine recently lost his mother.  From what he told me of her, she had a lot in common with my mother.  His mother is entitled to burial at Arlington National Cemetery.  We’ve been corresponding about people who served in WWII.  The conversation generated this paragraph.

“It is hard to look at the men and women who taught us history, English,
shop, music, etc., and understand that those 30-40 year old civilians fought
and won one of the bloodiest wars ever waged, then came home and sold
televisions, delivered milk, as if little had happened. It is even harder
to see the few who remain, savaged by age, and think of them as warriors.
We were privileged to know them.
That’s today’s bit of awareness. As with all such knowledge, it arrives too late.


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