Saturday, October 5, 2013

5 October 2013 Continuity

Cassi Creek:  Gloria kindly got out of bed before I did this morning.  She hiked out for the newspaper and took Loki out.  I was able to sleep in until my pain meds  fell out of the therapeutic window.  That’s one of the small things she does that I love her for doing. 
          It remains to be seen if the Mainstream GOP will develop enough testicular tissue to slap the teavangelist minority into a stinging awareness of what “minority” means.  It does not indicate a group of internal terrorists who hold their seats in government only because they have gerrymandered districts which are based around racism and theocracy. What is required is that we elect officials who will serve their term in office and then return to their day jobs.  Any fund raising for the next term should be grounds for recall.

 the Republican schism that we talked about on September 20th, predicted on the30th and saw come to fruition on October 4th is now so definite that Bill Maher’s panel has defined three (maybe four) distinct types of Republicans. Enter: The Players in Our “Republican Civil War.” It’s like Game of Thrones, but not as sexy. Or funny. Or honest. Or peaceful. Or more fundamentally based in reality. Or the 21st century. And it’s ratings are way, way lower.  
Will Rogers once joked that “I don’t belong to any organized party — I am a Democrat.” These days, though, Will Rogers’ disorganized party is defined by its unification…much to the disgust of Republicans. While Reptilicans might throw around accusation of Dems being united only under a single issue like Obamacare, the fact is that, for whatever the reason is, we’re a Hell of a lot more put together than they are these days.
In fact, the Republican schism that we talked about on September 20th, predicted on the30th and saw come to fruition on October 4th is now so definite that Bill Maher’s panel has defined three (maybe four) distinct types of Republicans. Enter: The Players in Our “Republican Civil War.” It’s like Game of Thrones, but not as sexy. Or funny. Or honest. Or peaceful. Or more fundamentally based in reality. Or the 21st century. And it’s ratings are way, way lower.  

The Corporate Shills (The Super Rich): Democrat Alan Grayson says “corporate shills are now in the minority. They can’t force their will on the others anymore. Because they’ve got the money, but not the votes.” Actually, the way things are going, NOBODY will have the money soon. Which leaves the…
The Religious Fanatics (The Jesus Freaks): It doesn’t matter if you act like a Christian…as long as you say you are! LOUD! And OFTEN!
The Freedom Fiends (The Gun Nuts): Do you know four words from the Second Amendment that don’t include “A well-regulated militia?” Then congratulations! You are now a constitutional scholar, and the Supreme Court is officially redundant.
Generic Obese Suburbanites: Technically could be used to describe any of the above, but primarily religious fanatics and Freedom Fiends. Applies to almost any member of the Tea Party.”

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