Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 September 2012 One nation divisible with liberty and justice for 47%

          The video isn’t necessary beyond authenticating the voice.  The words are quite accurate in describing how Mitt Romney views Americans who need and use the safety net he has promised to repair. 
          “One nation, indivisible with liberty and justice19 September 2012   One nation divisible with liberty and justice for 47%
          The video isn’t necessary beyond authenticating the voice.  The words are quite accurate in describing how Mitt Romney views Americans who need and use the safety net he has promised to repair. 
          “One nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
Our flag, the one that millions of Americans followed into one war or another in an effort to protect and defend the nation, is looking a bit more ragged than usual. 

While denying class warfare, Romney has managed to affirm his belief that only the wealthy deserve his attention and his support.  He has opened a mass dumpsite, into which he would shove all the victims of his studied neglect. 
          We have to ask what the cut off value is.  How much cash and negotiable instruments does one need to be considered worthy of living in the Romney-Ryan future America? 
          We also need to discover whether or not there might be exemptions from the social/cultural uselessness that seems to be the likely deemed status of half our nation’s population.  Who among us may pass the test for admission into the upper percentiles, the worthy, who pay income taxes?

          FWIW, I’ve always considered myself to be lower-middle class.  I attended a land-grant state university, did not join a fraternity, worked in healthcare at a technical level.  After my employability status was altered by a careless driver and an employer that did everything possible to delay a worker’s comp claim, I had to rethink that assessment.  It was the cost of medication, the inability to find health insurance, and a homeowners’ insurance company that declared bankruptcy rather than pay claims that caused me to take advantage of VA benefits that I earned in time of war. 
          The great recession has altered our status as it has many other professionals and retirees.  $250,000/year seems to be the new middle class entry level.
          With the condemnation of Americans who no longer pay income taxes comes the realization that lack of a job alters many patterns of behavior that simply can’t be recovered by waving one’s social/financial responsibility like a flak vest.  The rules of the game have changed and no matter how responsible one may have been, the deck is now stacked in such a manner that only the rich have any hope of buying in.  The rest of us had better hope that The GOP/teavangelist slate is soundly defeated. 
          While we linger on taxes not paid, voters need to consider the number of wealthy Americans who pay little or no tax to the government.  They, like numerous corporations bank offshore and hire a corps of accountants, lawyers, and lobbyists to insure that the tax codes leave them no tax burden.  It appears that evading taxes is acceptable in the Romney-Ryan future although earning too little to owe income taxes is not.  That seems to match the way that the GOP/teavangelists look at national service too. 


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