Saturday, September 1, 2012

1 September 2012 Try to dismember Cassi Creek: The Texas voter ID law was overturned at the Appeals Court level as bearing unfairly upon black and Hispanic voters. The court recognized the likelihood that these voters are less well to do financially and denied the Texas GOP/teavangelists the ability to stack the deck and skew elections by eliminating access to the ballot by those voters most likely to vote for Democratic candidates. The YouTube link will take you to a short video composed by Alexandra Pelosi about the GOP convention attendees. Both Gloria and I were appalled at the degree of hatred of Obama evident, as well as the level of misinformation that the teavangelists readily accept as true. The lack of valid literacy among our population is frightening. It is alarming to think that the next election may well be decided by how many truly stupid GOP/teavangelist base voters can be mobilized to vote for religious hypocrites and liars.

1 September 2012  Try to dismember

Cassi Creek:         The Texas voter ID law was overturned at the Appeals Court level as bearing unfairly upon black and Hispanic voters.  The court recognized the likelihood that these voters are less well to do financially and denied the Texas GOP/teavangelists the ability to stack the deck and skew elections by eliminating access to the ballot by those voters most likely to vote for Democratic candidates. 

                   The YouTube link will take you to a short video composed by Alexandra Pelosi about the GOP convention attendees.  Both Gloria and I were appalled at the degree of hatred of Obama evident, as well as the level of misinformation that the teavangelists readily accept as true.  The lack of valid literacy among our population is frightening.  It is alarming to think that the next election may well be decided by how many truly stupid GOP/teavangelist base voters can be mobilized to vote for religious hypocrites and liars.

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