Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 August 2012 From the Mars Hotel

Cassi Creek: 

Mars rover
( NASA/JPL-Caltech / August 5, 2012 )
NASA's Curiosity rover and its parachute are seen by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as Curiosity descends to the surface of Mars.

This could be one of the photographs that define a decade.  By using hardware already in place the Curiosity lander shown to be on track and functioning as designed. 

                Science caught up with science fiction again this week.  NASA dropped a mobile robotic geologic laboratory out of circum-Mars orbit and onto the surface of Mars.  The planned two-year mission continues the search for indications that Mars once had water and organic life. 

                The photograph above is evidence of technical expertise.  It is an image that was taken with a camera in motion, capturing an object moving away from the camera at a high velocity. 
                Well done, JPL! 
                Now, about my reservations for the summer of 2020. 

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