Thursday, December 8, 2011

8 December 2011 “Where the cold winds blow through the ice and snow…”

          And Jamaica rum will freeze!”
          So runs the description of the short and long-term weather on the Greenland whaling grounds.   This is to point out that it is cold here, and the ground has the Currier and Ives appearance that we associate with December.  The snow was preceded by ca. 2 inches of rain that has all the creeks and rivers running at bank full.  Looking at the forecast for the coming week, it appears that winter has arrived. 
          It is time to settle in, stoke the stove, and tie flies.  Gloria is trying to finish her semester’s project.  I’m through with classes until next year.  I’m still not certain what I will take, if anything.  I’d like to do some serious fishing but that depends most of all upon how my shoulders respond to cortisone.  I had them both injected yesterday and the sharper pains are responding to the steroid but more so today to the lidocaine in the steroid bolus.  If I get two months of relative comfort, I’ll be thrilled. 

By means of follow up on yesterday’s comments.  I include the following from the Washington Post today. 
Posted at 03:59 PM ET, 12/07/2011
Remembering Pearl Harbor

            “I wouldn’t draw any big conclusions from this. But I do wonder. I wonder if Pearl Harbor — the very definition of a world-changing event, with 2,400 Americans killed, and the country suddenly plunged into war — is gradually receding in national memory as the Greatest Generation leaves us. Is that possible? When does something become officially “a long time ago.” I don’t think 70 years is that long ago. I don’t even think 270 years is that long ago.

            .  Achenbach seems to feel much as I do.  The pages of history have been turned and the readership has changed its character.  The “reader” of today’s history wants a movie, with short, outtakes spoon-feeding them the gist.  If there’s no accompanying music video, it won’t be remembered.  So goes Korea.  

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