Friday, April 1, 2011

1 April 2011 Barking dog flying squirrel

Welcome to April, which shows up whether we wish it to or not. The temperature never rose above 45°F yesterday and fell to 35°F overnight. Currently, 47°F, partly sunny with rain and lows around 36°F forecast for tonight.

For the first time this semester I’m skipping my Friday, History of Rome, class. The lecture will cover the 2nd triumvirate and interests me greatly. However there are other resources I can tap and I have other obligations that suggest I may be better served by cutting class.

The weekend will be filled with study. Volcanology exam on Monday. This course demands more of me than any previous or current class since I began auditing classes. I doubt I can set the curve against geology majors. However, if I don’t it won’t be due to lack of effort.

So back to the books, the power point modules, and my potentially legible notes.

Shabbat Shalom!

Oh, yes, the title line. Gloria has mounted a platform bird feeder on the back deck. The neighborhood squirrels have been quick to discover it and take advantage of an easy meal. Loki lies on the floor, looking through the sliding doors until a squirrel catches her eye. When they attack the feeder, she jumps up against the door, barks, and growls, defending the house from squirrels. If we choose to let her out, the squirrels fly off the feeder and Loki chases them off the deck and across the yard. It’s an endless cycle that keeps all four-footed participants amused and exercised.

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