Saturday, October 8, 2011

8 October 2011 We are the 99%

          Meet your friends, your neighbors, and family.  Meet the people who live quietly and desperately, just down the street.  Meet the people who are being attacked by the teavangelist and GOP candidates at the Values voters Summit.  Meet the people who want economic justice.  Meet the people who want health care stripped from the hands of insurance companies booking ever-higher profits while providing ever less health care.  Meet the people who had savings until deregulation as demanded by Reagan and Bush allowed an instant replay of the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent global depression.  Meet the people who want science taught in our schools instead of fairy tales.  Meet the people who read beyond “talking points.”  Meet the people who want a return to the democratic republic created by our Constitution instead of a plutocracy propping up a theocracy led by evangelical Christians who make the Afghani Taliban look intelligent and humane. 
Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  Wall Street, its congressional lackeys, and its teavangelist demagogues have much to atone for.
          Perry has been endorsed by a mega-church Southern Baptist who continues to meddle in politics while hiding behind the cloak of a non-profit.  If these churches and their corporate headquarters can build and own multi-million dollar buildings, they are not non-profit in spirit or in actuality.  If these churches wish to endorse political candidates then they need to incorporate as a political party and be subject to the admittedly loose legal controls that exist for political parties.   

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain says the Occupy Wall Street protesters are un-American and against capitalism.  Cain blames the laid-off and downsized, the workers who have watched as the corporations strip jobs from Americans, who have watched their savings and retirement accounts destroyed by financial manipulators and thieves, for not having jobs and for not being rich
          Cantor, of Virginia blames the demonstrators of Occupy Wall St. for pitting Americans against Americans while praising a teavangelist protest.  Cantor fails to have any concern for the millions of Americans who were told that their recent losses to floods and storms were less important than idiotic “no tax increase” pledges demanded by Grover Norquist – a non-elected figurehead who has managed to terrify Congressmen who want only to be re-elected at the expense of the former middle class. 
          The aim of the GOP is split the voters, facing the progressives against those willing to vote for the men who will shackle and enslave them.  The teavangelist aim is to destroy the 1st Amendment and to bring about a theocracy more severe and backward than the Taliban.  The Spanish Inquisition is slated for re-runs if the “values voters” have their way. 
          Read the tales presented at
          You know these people.   If things continue as they are, you may well be holding up your own tale for the camera to capture.

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