Monday, October 10, 2011

10 October 2011 Woke up with a grin on my face.

          That does not mean that Monday has in some manner avoided the spatial-temporal occurrence that causes the 2nd day of the week to be labeled Monday and widely vilified in song and literature.  It is not yet Tuesday. 
          Dinner tonight will be “bun” in some form.  Lacking any proximity to a VietNamese restaurant, we’ll do our best to cobble something together. We’re actually fixing two base broths.  A concentrated one for me and a more dilute one for Gloria to evade some of the sugar used in the base packets. 
          It’s a beautiful day in our neck of the woods.   The seasonal color changes are well underway. 
          Our good neighbor, Darryl, is finally ready to have his well dug.  The drilling rig pulled up this afternoon and the drilling should begin tomorrow. 
          Our bad neighbor is behaving as usual.  The dog that nearly drowned while destroying our solar pool blanket is once again roaming the neighborhood.  This despite his complaints to the animal control officer that the dog is not his and will not ever be here.   
          Eventually the dog will do further damage and we’ll be forced to call animal control again.
          I suppose that our insistence that he confine his animals is connected to our attempt to run him out of the valley.  Another opportunity to learn something! 
          That must be a conspiratorial grin on my face! 

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