Tuesday, October 11, 2011

11 October 2011 history transfer alert

          I’ve decided to divest myself of some of the memorabilia I’ve carried around since I became a Cub Scout.  Adding in the number of years I spent as a youth member, and the number I spent as an adult volunteer, I’ve accumulated some interesting items that have no intrinsic value to anyone but me. 
          They may have some financial value to a small group of collectors, traders, and sellers.  While it may be frowned upon by some, these items are not religious artifacts and it is not going to precipitate an ice age or a global flood, plague, or famine if I sell them. 
          I feel some twinges of reluctance to part with them.  However, there is no one to pass them on to and If they bring in a week or two of groceries, that can be rung up as satisfying the “thrifty” check box on the Scout Law.  Since I have showered this morning that ticks off the “clean” check box too.
          It’s rainy, a little chilly, and a high pain day.   Sitting for 90 minutes in hard plastic lecture hall seats will be fun. 
          Pizza for dinner tonight.

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