Monday, September 19, 2011

19 September 2011 The truth is that the truth doesn’t matter.

Cassi Creek:
Like Wilkinson, I believe it is already too late for Ms. Bachmann.  The brain damage is already obvious. 

FRIDAY, SEP 16, 2011 15:30 ET
Bachmann: It's ok to spread lies about vaccines because I never said I'm a doctor
After claiming that the life-saving HPV vaccine causes "mental retardation," the candidate declines to apologize VIDEO
                “The other day, Michele Bachmann said that the HPV vaccine made someone "mentally retarded," which is not only untrue but also the sort of remark that leads to parents denying their children vaccines that could save their lives.
                “When confronted on this, after a few days of both liberals and conservatives decrying her, Bachmann did not really apologize or correct the record. Instead, she said it's OK for her to say things like that because she never told anyone she's a doctor. As long as you don't lie about a doctor, you can claim anything you like about medical matters, on TV, and it's OK! (I'm not a doctor but I heard that if you make your baby wear a onesie with a "funny" slogan on it your baby will die.)”
Cassi Creek:
          Obviously, there is no room and little regard for the truth in Bachmann’s campaign. She has a proven history of reaching into a bag of newly manufactured statistics or claims about government or opposing campaign spending, and withdrawing something as far from reality as the $200 million/day Obama trip to India.  Her campaign staff should find some way to kill her microphone whenever she starts to spout such obvious unsubstantiated BS. 
          Palin seems as unfamiliar with truth as she is with written media.  There is no reason to seek truth in her home or in her PAC. 
          Perry thinks that if it appears that he believes it, it is factual enough for his campaign.  Witness the prayers for rain on Texas soil.  One would think that it might eventually sink into Governor Perry’s consciousness that either prayers for rain are as ineffective as prayers to convert the gender preference of homosexuals; or that the invisible sky ruler is purposefully denying rain until Texas stops executing the mentally deficient, or provides some other indicator that the taliban are being ejected. 
          Perry’s hatred of the federal government and of that government’s practice of taking care of it citizens who fall prey to natural disaster is widely documented.  He’s heavily into the same “personal responsibility” that was cheered by teavangelists in Tampa.  He still maintains that evolution is unproven and a flawed theory.  He refuses to retract his claim that global warming is a construct by research scientists trying to maintain federal research grants. 
However, as Texas’ skies begin to resemble those of Dresden, Hiroshima, or Yellowstone in 1988 I fail to see how anyone who can read a thermometer can ignore the trends in temperature increase and the shift in rain patterns over the continent.  Texas high school graduates may have been fed myth instead of science, but at this point it doesn’t matter whether they think Texas is being punished for its collective “sins,” or if they begin to understand the signs and symptoms of climate change; as long as they begin to realize that it is happening, and that the oil and gas companies are not acting to prevent it.

Perry’s lack of contact with reality seemingly can b stretched to cover other large holes in his knowledge base including the Israeli-Arab conflict.  Given the teavangelists’ demands that the U.S. secure Israel’s existence so that the 2nd coming can occur, one might think Perry would have more situational awareness concerning the conflict and its impact in U.S, governmental affairs.
            “…we sent Perry’s remarks to three experts on Middle East diplomacy — an Israeli, a Palestinian and an American. All three said he appeared to be remarkably uninformed.
            “We contacted Perry’s spokesman for an explanation but as usual he did not respond. (The Perry campaign has become a fact-free zone, not responding to Fact Checker queries, ever since Perry received Four Pinocchios for his comments on climate change.)”
Cassi Creek:
          The lack of knowledge and the seeming unconcern at such lack in the GOP/teavangelist candidates is disturbing.  I don’t want the government to be headed or our other leadership positions filled by people who barely managed to complete a BS at universities that are only an excuse for an athletic program and television contracts. 
          I don’t consider someone unfamiliar with English grammar to be a good candidate for national office.  I recently saw an article stating that high school diploma was all the qualification needed for the office of POTUS and/or any job in the federal government.  I disagree, most emphatically. 
          But even more horrifying than the exponentially growing lack of knowledge and disdain for education in our candidate field is the same lack in the voter base.  When we collectively decide that knowledge is inconsequential, that education is only valued by college administrators, and that intellect is of no importance in administering a government or a nation; we are dangerously close to the abyss.  Texas needs rain, and prayer is not going to generate rain regardless of how many Texans put their hands on the television, file into the new mega-churches to help the sky pilots pay for their Armani underwear, or kneel on the asphalt parking lots outside high school stadiums.  Texas is not only a “no fact zone,” it is well aimed down a long dusty road in an ever widening “no rain zone.”

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