Tuesday, September 13, 2011

13 September 2011 the wages of sin must be death. It says so in the Bible.

          The flaming teavangelists were loosed upon the nation last night in the supposed “debate”, that was actually a live commercial for the idiots who want to take over government and recast it as a blend of oligarchy and theocracy. CNN should hang its collective heads in shame for providing such a platform for the GOP/teavangelists without a disclaimer stating that it was a paid advertisement.
          Rick Perry took some hits over his mandate for HPV vaccination of young girls in Texas.  The loudest opponent was, of course, Rep. Bachmann, the voice of God’s punishment forces.  HPV is an STD that can lead to cervical cancer.  It is marketed by Merck, which would like to see it universally required by school districts and states.  This action of Perry’s is one of the few things he has done that I can support in any manner.  If we overlook the graft aspect, it was a positive action that could have saved many lives. 
          Comes Bachmann, the inquisitor enforcer:
“To have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just wrong,” Bachmann said. “Little girls who have a negative reaction to this potentially dangerous drug don’t get a mulligan.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63329.html#ixzz1XpdF4SoK

“I’m offended for all the little girls and parents who didn’t have a choice.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0911/63329.html#ixzz1XpdSY1XK
          It’s not actually the money that bothers Bachmann and her audience.  It’s the belief that some little girl might be inspired to hop into bed because she has been vaccinated.  That “sin,” once punishable by a brutal death, is now less punishable.  The chokehold on behavior claimed by the “abstinence only” crowd has been loosened a bit by reality.  The promise of cancer visited upon the impure by a white-haired, sky-dweller is suddenly no longer as much of a control device to keep our “innocent little girls” in line.
          Bachmann may have been scared celibate by the churches she was taken to as a child.  Other young girls may have as well.  That, however, doesn’t apply to thousands of older boys who “date” younger girls and encourage them to respond to hormonal and societal urging to replicate and reproduce as their bodies were designed to do. 
          Even those young girls who are absolutely “pure as Ivory snow” are always at risk of sexual assault in various forms by various family, friends, and the random pedophile and opportunistic rapist.  Short of locking those young girls into convent cells and denying them all human contact, there is no way to avoid them facing risk of infection with HPV, now a mostly preventable infection.  The 12-year-old age gate for immunization is timed to catch as large a populace as possible while they are still “innocent.”
          We have to remember that Bachmann opposes abortion in almost every case and could probably support prohibiting abortion to victims of rape, incest, and maternal risk of death, the total ban demanded by the American Taliban. 
          During her performance last night, she managed to attack President Obama on another flight of fancy, accusing him of mandating by executive order the provision of morning after pills by insurers.  She gave birth to another lie last night over the public airwaves. 
          For rational people, there is a distinction between the provision of contraceptives to women as part of their health insurance, and the provision of “morning after pills.”  While the irrational, poorly educated teavangelist base may be unable to distinguish between contraception and abortion, there is a huge difference. 
          Bachmann and friends cling to the concept of divinely required punishment for sexual activity that does not lead directly to procreation at the demand of a dominant marital partner.   In the physical absence of the afore-mentioned deity, the requisite punishment may be administered by human males who hold ownership rights to the specified disobedient and therefore impure females.  Stoning is still the prescribed manner of meting out death for sin.  In other instances, the invisible but fully vengeful deity may deliver the wages of sin by means of disease or disorder.  Leprosy was once preferred but longer lifespan compared to the period when apostles with erectile dysfunction forbade any others partaking of physical pleasures they could no longer enjoy, require different “wages.”  Malignancies are highly preferred by the teavangelist leadership as they are slow, painful, tend to leave the afflicted physically denoted, and even the palliative treatments are extremely unpleasant. 
          Perry may have honestly been trying to prevent infection with HPV, or he may have been adding campaign cash.  Bachmann is guilty of making up lies to attract the poorly informed teavangelist base, and of condemning another generation of women who have none of her fairy tale religious constraints to infection and possible death by a virus that could have been blocked by vaccination. 
          I hope she can live with herself.  Because of her pseudo-morality, other women are very likely to die through no fault (or “sin”) of their own. 

Just a note in passing.  
While discussing Chlamydia STD screening with a physician, an OB/Gyn now retired who reminds me quite a lot of our current 1St TN district Congressman, Phil Roe, the physician told me that he never had to screen white women and girls  who attended his church.  I’m quite certain that he would have seen no reason to vaccinate that population against HPV. 
          Bachmann is proving to be more of an incompetent every day.  Unfortunately her fan base is equally incompetent.
Sancte Leibowtiz ... -Saint Leibowitz, pray for me
Non cogitamus ... -We will not think, therefore we are nothing

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