Sunday, December 5, 2010

5 December 2010 Russia can see what Americans won’t

Foreign Press Says What America’s Won’t: Sarah Palin is a Traitor

Posted on December 1, 2010 by Sarah Jones

Sarah Palin has made it to the big time; she’s now being called out by international media. Yesterday, the Russian newspaper Pravda (this same paper has been quoted in numerous Right Wing publications when it criticized President Obama, and was considered a paper of merit at such time) eviscerated Sarah Palin for her unrelenting attacks upon the democratically elected President, at a time when America needs to stand together, united. When members of the International Press call Sarah Palin out for her lack of American patriotism, it’s time for the American Press to pay attention. It’s about time someone did.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey writes in Pravda:

“By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country’s history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral….

. “Nary a word about her outrageously destructive actions toward our current President. And why is that? Because Ms Palin is doing the dirty work for the Republican weaklings; sowing seeds of division, suspicion, hatred, and rage against a sitting President.

“And those, my friends, are not the actions of a patriot. True Glasnost has arrived when the International Press says what the American Press will not. Sarah Palin is no patriot. “

Cassi Creek:

My friend Julius Pratt provided the link above. Thanks, Julius. Truth in Pravda after all!

What this boils down to in the end is what some of us have been saying all along. Palin is nothing but an opportunist, willing to proliferate hatred, bigotry, religious intolerance, and intellectual emptiness for money and fame. When we are forced to listen to her rhetoric, we find it is essentially the same ugly tirade spewed by the members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

If the Russians, who have still to form their own version of a working democracy in the western manner can see the warning flags around Palin, we have to be very blind indeed not to see them tearing in the ill wind that flows from her.

I'll stop short of calling her a traitor because the legal definition, giving aid and comfort to an enemy state does not apply.  But the GOP/teavangelists are intent upon overturning our last election by any means possible.  That makes them enemies of the state, determined to circumvent and defy the Constitution that has provided our stability since we forged our nation.  And Palin is certainly ready to overturn the law of the land, willing to bring about a theocracy with herself as grand inquisitor.  That, makes her and her backers enemies of these United States. 

Please read this article and pass it on to everyone you can think of.

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