Sunday, December 19, 2010

19 December 2010 Thank you, Senator Phogbound from Dogpatch

Sen. Mitch McConnell 'cannot support' START treaty

By Emi Kolawole

Updated 11:39 a.m.:

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union with Candy Crowley," Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell said he would not support the new START treaty's ratification.

"I've decided I cannot support the treaty," said McConnell. The minority leader also would not commit to whether the START treaty would come up for a vote during the current session or if there were enough votes within the Republican caucus to advance the treaty towards ratification.

If unfamiliar with Senator Phogbound, please use the link below.

Senator Phogbound:Pot-bellied Jack S. Phogbound was satirist Al Capp's skewed archetype of a filibustering southern politician. Senator Phogbound was a corrupt, conspiratorial blowhard, who often wore a coonskin cap and carried a ramrod rifle to show his constituents he remained a trustworthy good ol' boy. Phogbound seemed to spend a disproportionate amount of his time campaigning or passing through Dogpatch, which made sense from a plot standpoint, but where, it can be assumed, no one ever voted.

Cassi Creek:

The morning began with a granular snowfall accumulating around ¼ inch. This afternoon, we looked out to see what Loki was barking about and saw 20 turkeys feeding in the back yard. They stayed about 5 minutes and then made short flights across the creek and into the national forest. At a quick glance, and based upon turkey customs, all were females.

Senator McConnell has once again demonstrated why Al Capp’s Dogpatch was located by the cartoonist in Kentucky. Dogpatchers were almost universally stupid and opposed to any form of progress.

While Senator McConnell appears in public wearing a suit and tie, his opposition to progress is incapable of disguise. The good Senator has decided that his goal of preventing any chance of re-election for President Obama is more important than dealing with the needs of the United States and its citizens; particularly the need to limit the possibility of nuclear warheads being detonated against targets in the U.S, and/or against U.S, military bases and fleets.

Like the residents of Dogpatch, the Senator is stuck fighting a war that is long over. The Soviet Union is gone, Senator, and Russia is nominally among our list of acceptable nations. The probability that Russia will lose a nuclear strike aimed at our shores is minimal. We need to cooperate with Russia in order to limit probabilities of rogue states and terrorist groups acquiring fissile material or complete warheads. Russia is ready to cooperate with us. Our defense department endorses the treaty, as do many former Secretaries of State. But the good Senator and his teavangelist\GOPer owners would far rather poke Obama in the eye than begin to secure the borders of our nation from enemies with nuclear weapons. The matter of missile defense systems being waved about by the Senator and others calls for the U.S. to field an anti-missile shield over much of the northern hemisphere. Frankly, we’re not capable of fielding such a network nor should we fund it for other nations. The greater risk of attack comes not from missile-delivered nuclear warheads but from a bomb or several smuggled into the nation and detonated after a much more low-tech delivery, such as a work van.

Time to grow up, Senator Phogbound, and to bring the people of Kentucky out of Dogpatch into the 21st century. There’s an entire world out here that doesn’t believe dinosaurs and humans co-existed, that Noah really loaded all those animals on a wooden boat, or that it is smart to risk the future safety of the nation at risk because your party and your financial owners are furious that the nation elected a black male with a non-WASP name as President. Go look at things again, Senator, and think about what risk you’re willing to pass onto “the children and grand children.” They always surface when your party wants to squeeze the middle class and poor. This time, Senator, think about why saddling them with debt for anti-missile defense is OK but for paying for their health care is not.

That anti-missile system won’t stop a bomb carried in by truck from Mexico or by boat from Iran. When “our children and grand-children begin to glow in the dark, they’re going to need health care. As it becomes evident that your party dropped the ball in a bigger manner than anyone in this nation ever did because of your bigotry, your names are going to be remembered like that of Joe McCarthy, Warren Harding, and others who placed personal gain above the nation. Spite Obama or “health care for the children, its and easy choice Senator Phogbound. I’m willing to bet you’ll remain stuck in Dogpatch.

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