Monday, November 21, 2011

21 November 2011 100 Super ways to announce Super Committee Super failure

Cassi Creek:
          It comes as a surprise only to those who believe in the genius level intellect of Sarah Palin, the honesty of Rush Limbaugh, and the accuracy and integrity of Fox News, that the Congressional Super Committee has failed to carry out its single purpose for existence.  A committee handpicked by the various chamber leaders to vehemently oppose any cooperation with members of the opposite party was certain to fail from the moment of inception. 
          The intransigence of both sides has played a major role.  However, the refusal to even consider any tax increases that might anger their rich lobbyist financial backer combined with fear of being targeted by the Norquist pledge to avoid reality and thus defeated in their bids for re-election by the teavangelist minions of Norquist and other lobbyists who wish to roll the calendar backward for their robber baron employers, has rendered the GOP members able only to vote for those plans that further beggar the former middle class.
          Now, the Super Committee members sit and argue about how to announce their failure to the American citizens that the GOP no longer truly represents.  They are, in this as in all things Congressional, unable to provide honest and concise answers.  To simply announce, “we failed to reach a compromise that was fair to all being taxed.” Seems easy enough.  Yet we’ll never hear that from Congressional lips. 
          Nor will we hear the truth of the matter as explained below.  The teavangelists must provide another huge lie to convince their base that the GOP plan is not destroying the middle class and abandoning the American working class to a life of minimum wage slavery. 
          The best way to announce failure would be to hear the GOP members admit the lie in their position and then to hear them all resign for breaking their oaths of office when coerced by lobbyists, Norquist in particular. 
          Perhaps refusing to accept their salaries for the rest of their terms in office would be a small acceptable beginning.  So would be the loss of all their benefits, their retirement funds, and their personal homes as has happened to so many of their constituents whom they ignore so that they may continue to serve Norquist. 
          I’m sure that some of the less modernized nations in the world have other methods of dealing with elected officials who break their oaths of office and fail to represent their constituents honestly.  But the Secret Service has no sense of humor so you may have to think of those methods for your selves.    The images of Giraffe, Mussolini, and Hussein come to mind. 

Posted at 08:21 AM ET, 11/21/2011
No, `both sides’ aren’t equally to blame for supercommittee failure
Here’s why the supercommittee is failing, in one sentence: Democrats wanted the rich to pay more in taxes towards deficit reduction, and Republicans wanted the rich to pay less in taxes towards deficit reduction.

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