Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1 November 2011… and dreading the events.

Cassi Creek:
          Event 1 is the overload of election campaign coverage that will dominate nearly every news/media program day until the 2012 Presidential/general election is over. 
          The field of would-be candidates is composed of numerous teavangelists and no one moderate enough to have voted for Eisenhower, or even Nixon.  They all present as theocratic oligarchs wearing Reagan masks, willing to hand the government remains and the global economy over to pseudo-Christians.  They are essentially an American model Taliban and will remain so.  Nationally, if Perry or Bachman win, our educational system will be forced into the Texas school board model with science being replaced by mythology.  We may as well bow out of the competition for space exploration.  Our schools won’t be producing students capable of planning and executing the required technological programs.  Perhaps Japan or Germany would like to buy our share of the ISS.
          Event 2 hasn’t happened yet to me.  Others may have already experienced it.  I’m dreading the next trip to the supermarket or to any other place that has muzak droning on overhead at a too loud volume.  Sometime this week I’m sure I will be assaulted with “Christmas muzak.”  And within a week, I’m certain that there will be the annual accusation of “those people waging war on Christmas.” 
          There are a few times that my hearing deficit is not as much of a problem as it might be during the rest of the year.  

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