Sunday, November 13, 2011

13 November 2011 “Noah (Herman, Michele, Sarah, Rick) …Build me an ark!”

          “Right! Right! Right! Right!”
          “How about a pizza?”
          “Do I have to let gays on the boat?”
          “Can I use PAC money and take lots of vacations at someone else’s expense?”
          “ If we don’t pray for rain will we still need the ark?”
Cain: Selected by God, immune to human scrutiny

          There seems to be some sort of confusion among the teavangelists as to which of them is slated to become the first divine right POTUS.  As you can see, at least three of the active candidate field and one of the once potentials has claimed to have been told to run for the office.
          We’ve reached a point in this nation at which the very freedom proclaimed in our 1st Amendment is in jeopardy.  The GOP/teavangelist base is largely comprised of members of the Christian right, evangelicals and fundamentalists who are firmly convinced that the U.S. was formed as a “Christian” nation; and that it is their collective responsibility to bring about a theocratic takeover of the existing slightly secular government.  This base also has a racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic nature, which wishes for a return to the social and political conditions that existed before the TR presidency. 
          Each of the four mentioned above has proven all too willing to solicit support from the Teavangelist base.  Each of them has no problem in proclaiming that they were directly contacted by their particular aspect of the Christian deity and commanded to run for POTUS.  Each of them realizes that they can milk large amounts of money from various portions of this base to fill their campaign coffers. 
          The decidedly non-divine Palin has spent the better part of two years stripping dollars from fundamentalists who probably also pay for over-the- television-faith-healing, and who once were the target market for autographed photographs of Jesus. 
          Cain has his position as a preacher in a church locked down.  Rest assured that when he preaches about “Blessed are the poor,” he is not referring to himself.  He’s preaching “prosperity theology” Prosperity, in this philosophy, is intended to begin with his congregants making certain that he, Cain, prospers.  That same prosperity theology is apparently capable of accepting and forgiving sexual contributions from the congregants as well. 
          Mrs. Bachmann has fallen back into the pack, currently.  But she still intends to pray the gay out of   the population she hopes to represent.  Her misuse and misunderstanding of truths and facts may yet bring about her separation from the pack. 
          Mr. Perry has a strong support in Texas and among Baptists but given his history in the debates he is likely to face divine action the next time he calls upon a deity and can’t recall the third name of his trinity. 
          As for the rest of us, we need to do all we can to prevent any theocratic political takeover.  While we may not realize the depth of intent present in the teavangelist base, they do.  They firmly believe that the same deity who commanded four or more politicians to run and profit from campaigns for public office has also commanded them to eliminate any non-Christian government in these United States. 
          This has become much more serious than the current demands that Jesus decide the winner of every athletic competition in the country.  Either these candidates have chosen to dishonestly present their selves as divinely chosen, or even worse, they are so delusional as to believe that they are divinely chosen.  Either way, they are not to be trusted in public office.  We’ve been presented with two unpaid-for wars by a POTUS who only thinks he talks with a deity.  It’s only a short neural path from “talked to by deity” to “is a deity.” 
          Since the teavangelist base is already eager to bring about the onset of Armageddon by starting another war in the Mid East, the reports that some of the GOP candidates support torture and support attacking Iran should scare us all.  There seems to be little difference in the Islamic fundamentalists using suicide bombers, and in teavangelists promoting national suicide except scope.

In conclusion, yes, I know that Palin has purportedly left the race.  She is enough of an opportunist, and delusional enough about her chances of election that she could mount a write in campaign before the election is over.

And deepesst apologies to Bill Cosby.

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