Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7 June 2011 VA eye clinic observations

The worst part about eye clinic appointments is the very annoying Fox News presence in the waiting room. The other patients are either flipping through magazines or sitting glued to the TV monitors that hang from the walls.
I arrived at VA ca. 0810 and found a parking spot almost immediately. Clinic check-in was no problem. I had just enough time to open this document before a clinical technician called me into an exam room to measure my intra-ocular pressures (14 bilateral) and dilate my eyes. In that brief time span the waiting room became half-filled.
Fox News is railing about the Weiner sexting scandal. As foul and stupid a set of lies and blunders as Weiner is guilty of, Fox News will manage to weave it into some prediction of the downfall of western civilization that can only be averted if Obama is immediately removed from office.
The room is fuzzy looking now and light is becoming somewhat painful. The television is far more painful. It has brought me one of the Kardashian women claiming that God will tell her when to become pregnant, followed by drivel attacking Weiner while purporting to find the scandal less than newsworthy. 
            I was finally rescued from Fox News’ anti-education propaganda by a student optometrist who is precept ring with the Optometrist who follows my vision and its abnormalities.  Sitting in a darkened room, pupils fully dilated, with someone repeatedly shining very bright light from a halide lamp into my eyes is less painful than hearing veterans of my age agreeing with the Fox News commentators; a mindless chorus of nods and grunts echoing the self-selected “room leader” who is compelled to parrot everything that the GOP/teavangelist mob has arranged for the Fox News on-air personnel to repeat, over, over, and over.  I fail to understand how so many veterans have been convinced that the ultra-wealthy will reach down and provide jobs for them.  The same ultra-wealthy who sent them off to Vietnam to die so that the sons of the very rich need not be asked to serve in uniform and risk unpleasantness and manual effort in the dirt of foreign lands are not about to reach down from their luxury homes in order spread a cent of their money among those who no longer have jobs. 
             At least I was spared the image and sound of Palin proclaiming that her attempt to explain Revere’s ride was a “gotcha” question used to attack her. 
            To be fair, any question that requires her to recall more than her first name is likely to be considered a “gotcha” question.  This more than demonstrates her intellectual laziness.  I’d bet that if some news anchor asked her what she reads today  she would still blow the question and have no answer to what was intended as a powder puff question to help her focus and appear less nervous.   

Sarah Palin’s revisionist ride

By Eugene Robinson, Published: June 6
Sarah Palin is a fraud with charisma — and enough political support to effectively hold the Republican Party hostage. She is ridiculous and dangerous in equal measure.
Palin is certain about everything and knows about nothing. The only true facts are those she recognizes; other facts, when cited to contradict her private truth, are deemed politically motivated. History books are nothing more than weapons used by her enemies in their incessant attacks, their pitiful attempts to play “gotcha…”
In her view, she does not make mistakes. Therefore, it may surprise you to learn, this is who Paul Revere was:
“He who warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms, by ringing those bells, and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free…”
“Yes, I’m belaboring the obvious. But I’m doing so because the incident says so much about Palin’s arrogant disregard for objective fact. It’s never about the truth. It’s always about Sarah.
She told Fox that she was the victim of a “gotcha type of question.” But there is no indication, from video of the encounter, that she was asked specifically about Paul Revere. Her peroration came amid a general recounting of her visit to Boston.
            The gaffe is understandable — well, almost understandable. But she doubled down with a claim of persecution and a bald-faced lie. That is what we ignore at our peril…”
            Robinson is right.   Palin believes that she can lie about her lack of knowledge and somehow magically acquire what others spent years of effort to obtain.  She will lie at the drop of a hat, claim that she is being persecuted, and never understand why she is wrong, or why she is disliked.    She’s been allowed to get by with that type of behavior all her life.  She has been allowed to trade on her physical appearance in order to get by in school and in her personal life.  Now she’s getting older, gravity is taking its toll, and in the near future she is going to ask her magic mirror the question yet again and the answer she gets will send her into a rage.  It will be interesting to see whom she contrives to blame for aging.

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