Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14 June 2011 Send in the debate clones

            Last night, in New Hampshire, under the sponsorship of CNN, the opening debate of the 2012 election campaign took place.  That is to say, the current crop of supposed candidates for nomination gathered to demonstrate their chopped-pressed-formed- chip status and to take turns attacking the sitting President. 
            They all screamed, “Deficit!” and announced, loudly, that Obama has yet, in 2.5 years in office, to lead the nation to recover from the economic crater that is the result of 8 years of Reaganomics and 8 years of Bush’s belief in Reaganomics.  They, of course, ignore the fact that the GOP and Teavangelists have spent the last 2.5 years blocking every effort that Obama has made to institute financial reform, health care reform, and any other program that might possibly lead to infrastructure repair. 
            Notable and predictable was the hopeful candidates’ pronunciations, singular in their totality.  When one spoke, they all took in air at the same time.  What one said the next repeated.  Other than the obvious gender, difference represented by Bachman, there is next to no difference in any of them.  They all parrot the same talking points.  They all face as far right as possible.  They each attempted to outdo the others in displaying contempt and hatred for Obama.  They all oppose his handling of the wars that their last administration started.  They all lack any individuality.  They all are in thrall to the teavangelists.  They are clones. 
            There was no debate last night; there was a puppet show with the puppets dancing to the teavangelist party line. 
            This election is going to bring religious and militia extremists into the voter base as never before.  The willingness of the GOP officials to pander to the most of the extreme rightwing elements of their base is dangerous for the nation.  I don’t see any real room for moderates in the GOP.  The teavangelists will welcome anyone with a religious or gun-ownership agenda. 
            Given the anger generated by the right and focused upon Obama, it will not surprise me to see assassination attempts from the teavangelists alliance with Christian Identity and other hate groups.  It is not only Obama who needs protection.  Anyone attempting to bring moderation back into the GOP will be viewed as an enemy of the party line.  We saw Palin stir up hatred in the 2008 election.  She has continued to stir that cauldron aided by the media whores of talk radio.  It will be worse this cycle.  The teavangelists are focusing on hatred, bigotry, and lies.  They have opened the tent flaps to the truly vicious elements that will happily apply violence to the campaign. 
            Last night was just the opening act.  Watch carefully; see who pulls the strings and what the strings are attached to.  

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