Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13 November 2012 Vast Cover-up Conspiracy

Cassi Creek:         The machine that spent the last four years looking for a means to impeach President Obama is ramping up for another try. 


Posted by Andy Borowitz
While the Borowitz report is humor, intended to be deliberately over the top, I’ve already encountered an accusation of a cover-up involving the Attorney General, and thus, the President.
          The same deluded minds that find the birther conspiracy viable are quite willing to believe that Petraeus  initiated the affair in order to use it as a diversion so that the White House can avoid testifying on the Benghazi consulate. 
          The same anti-Obama nut jobs that were willing to tank the nation’s economy last year are indicating that they have adopted even more delusional positions.  These new accusations will become the foundation for a series of attempts at impeachment if the teavangelists have their way. 
          My morning hike with Mike  tends to keep me somewhat acquainted with the right-wing’s latest wet dreams and delusions, as Mike is well versed in the NRA, Ayn Rand, 2nd and 10th Amendment world.  This morning he assured me that there is a cover-up involving Eric Holder.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9673387/David-Petraeus-scandal-widens-to-include-Barack-Obamas-cabinet.html

 He also believes that the U.S. is in grave danger, although some time distant, of being subverted by Muslims and forced to exist under Sharia.  That Sharia threat is particularly amusing when one considers that the people trumpeting the loudest warnings are firmly in the teavangelist camp and willing to re-institute the Inquisition on American soil.   

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