Saturday, March 20, 2010

20 March 2010 a look Bach as spring arrives

We’ve been mired in Iraq for seven years now’ expending a fortune for military hardware, another for logistics, and worst of all, thousands of lives sacrificed or forever damaged.
For the worst part of the cost to our nation:

Thank you very much, Bush and Cheney.  You and your merry band of liars, theocrats, corporate robbers, and other assorted greed-driven sponsors will go down in history as the most corrupt and dishonest administration to ever grace the White House.  You planned a war against Iraq for reasons that had nothing to do with the security of the United States and much to do with enriching your corporate cronies and making up for lack of service in our armed forces when it was your turn to go. 

Your malfeasance and your selection of inept advisors ruined any chance of actually capturing or killing bin Laden at Tora Bora when some of our troops actually had him cornered.  Instead, your orders prevented our troops acting, even placed them under threat by Afghani forces which had no intention of capturing or killing bin Laden. 
Then you opened the war in Iraq, claiming that Iraq was developing nuclear, bio, and chemical weapons.  You siphoned off troops needed for a justifiable war in Afghanistan to fight for Halliburton's profits in Iraq.  You farmed out military roles to a Christian mercenary corporation and paid their guns for hire far more than we pay our actual uniformed armed forces.  You decided to wage two highly technical and expensive foreign wars without mobilizing the nation or increasing taxes to pay for these wars. 
While doing what you could to privatize our armed forces you also did your best to gut any regulation of the financial industry.  You did such a great job of deregulating that you nearly destroyed the global economy.  You put millions of families out of work, out of their homes, out of access to health care.
Your theocratic power base convinced you to abolish any real science and biology education in our schools.  Given that the feel-good school of educational theories was damaging, your contribution was to further decrease the level of instruction for nearly all students until we became no longer competitive with other industrialized nations.  We traded excellence in math, physics, biology, and other sciences for curricula that demand teaching the myths of fundamentalist Christianity. At the same time you gave huge tax breaks to the wealthiest U. S. citizens, directed no-bid contracts to corporations that you once directed, and convinced the increasing less intellectual GOP voter base that such machinations would create jobs because the wealthy would begin to bring back jobs they had previously off-shored and out-sourced. 
You left a political party so controlled by bigotry, racism, and anti-intellectualism, that your party’s VP candidate in 2008 ran a campaign based upon hatred.  She is so poorly educated, so steeped in fundamentalist Christianity that she believes  witch craft  can be used against her.  You’ve relied on the wedge issues of religious fundamentalism to obscure any real public awareness of how intrinsically malevolent your administration was. 
Well done, boys!  You’ve managed to obliterate a budget surplus, bankrupt the nation, deplete the armed forces, dumb down our educational system, and reduce much of America to the level of a third world nation. 
And like Nixon and Reagan, you’ve hired people to weave a mix of lies, half-truths, and fairy tales to make your voter base believe you were honest, honorable men with the nation’s best interests at heart.  It is truly a shame that when the opportunity to serve the nation was presented to you one last time; you weren’t too busy to turn it down as you did during the VietNam war.  How much better off the nation and the world might be.

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