Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2 March 2010 Well, not right now

2 March 2010 Well, not right now

By yesterday evening the water had cleared sufficiently that we decided to cancel the service call scheduled for this morning. I called the company at 0800 and let them know we didn’t want them to have to work in the mixed snow and rain that has been falling off and on all day.

I’m not certain that the problem has resolved, there is still more turbidity than I would like to see in the outflow from our faucets. Gloria pronounced it drinkable this morning and she’s fairly picky about water tastes. However, there is some history of turbidity during periods of higher water in the creek, slow long rains, and other events that may increase the inflow of water to the well. There’s still a lot of snow on the high peaks today so we may have to live with this for a while. The mini-filter system in the kitchen will provide clear water for drinking. The water we get directly from the well is clear enough for all other uses.

We heard last night that the undesirable neighbor across the road sold two lots. We’ve been looking up restrictions dealing with sewage systems and wells. One source, state laws indicates a requirement of 500 feet from a well. A local source just indicated 50 feet was the limit. This will require more investigation. Since all building permits are public information we should get some warning. We have no idea who bought the property or for what purpose they bought it. It is time for careful but measured attention to this problem. While single family housing would be minimally acceptable, a trailer park would be unacceptable. We need a better source of information than we currently have. But that is not going to happen.

Dinner tonight will be built around two Mahi-mahi fillets. I’m thinking along the lines of fixing them en papillote. I have zucchini, carrots, onions, lemons, and limes to make the meal both nutritious and palatable.

Hike with Mike this morning took place in the mixed rain and snow. Loki tagged along, saying little, while Mike and I discussed gun control in Chicago as presented by NPR. Nothing of earth-shattering import was broached or resolved.

I need to make an attempt at writing the mid-term for my history course. If I do, I’m going to take a position that directly opposes what the professor holds to be true concerning Hitler’s initial intent to kill European Jews. He believes that the decision to actually murder rather than transport or banish Jews was arrived at due to many influences, perhaps even partially accidental. I hold that Hitler intended to do exactly as he did prior to obtaining power over Germany. His view of the Holocaust certainly differs from mine.

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