Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9 February 2010 A poke in the shoulder with a sharp needle

9 February 2010 A poke in the shoulder with a sharp needle

After a suitably long interval I have been granted an orthopedic surgery consultation regarding my right shoulder. The joint has been painful enough to eclipse other chronic pains that normally serve as indications of continuing life. This morning I drove into Mountain Home and was seen by a PA. She did a careful and thorough exam, took a good history, and suggested that degenerative arthritis was the most probable cause and that a partially torn rotator cuff might also be involved. We discussed treatment and I opted for conservative therapy. I addition to physical therapy I allowed her to inject my shoulder with depo-medrol and two topical anesthetic agents. A 5cc bolus of fluid administered via a 25 g. needle was injected in hopes of reducing the inflammation of several tendons.

After the initial mild discomfort the post-injection period has been relatively comfortable. That topical anesthesia will wear off in a day or so and then the steroids get to coax some longer-term effects into being.

We discussed further treatment options, an MRI to check for soft tissue problems, and the possibility of rotator cuff surgery, if indicated. Her feeling is that pain management in the post-op period would be extremely difficult for me. The recovery period can exceed 6 months and there is a 30% chance of blow-out in repaired partial tears due to the nature of the tissue involved and the usual mechanics of the injury. It doesn’t look like shoulder surgery is in my immediate future. If today’s injection works, I can put up with more of them.

There are others who need a few pokes with sharp objects.

For some reason the GOP lackeys and the TPN mob have fixated upon Obama’s use of a teleprompter when making a speech as somehow lacking in suitability. The thinking, I imagine, is that he is incapable of speaking without one. The recent Q&A session with the GOP congress people should put paid to that little bit of untruth. But the GOP lie machine will ignore that truth and find something else to invent. Every POTUS I can recall has used some form of written aid when delivering a speech. Some have used typed pages, others index cards. Some have used Teleprompters prior to Obama. I doubt that St. Ronald presented his speeches from memory, particularly in the 2nd term. I’m not bothered by Teleprompters. I am bothered by people who invent and propagate lies and who market hatred and bigotry.

Palin, the incompletist, leaves no doubt that she is unable to deliver a speech from memory. I’ve watched, with disgust, as she has butchered the English language, ignored any attempt at grammatical construction of sentences, and spewed out lie after lie in an attempt to reach and mobilize a base that should not be mobilized.

I fail to understand people who see no benefit to education, who would rather be led or governed by those with no intellectual curiosity. I don’t understand people who choose myth and superstition over hard science disciplines. To me, the answers provided by biochemistry, physics, geology, microbiology, genetics, and medicine easily refute centuries of legends made up to explain what no one had yet found a means to explore and document.

Galileo disproved the terra-centric universe proclaimed as true by the church. But we still have millions of U.S. citizens who are unable to appreciate what he proved and how. Darwin and Mendel provided immense insights into genetics and evolution. But here, in the nation that first reached the moon, we find millions who are unable to move past the false rumor that evolution proclaims human kind descended from great apes. “Sharing a common ancestor during evoloution” seems perfectly clear to me.

These anti-intellectuals who thrive on myths and who refuse to try to understand science-based education are cannon fodder for the TPN and GOP higher-ups who will profit from the money raised by corporate contributors to misinform the rank and file placard carrier.

Palin, the incompletist, is as deeply hooked by the myths and lies spread by the GOP and the TPN as are the cannon fodder. Her lack of intellectual curiosity is overwhelming. I would be willing to bet that if she were asked the same question about reading materials that Couric asked her in 2008, she would still be unable to answer with the names of news papers and magazines. She has not made any real strides in acquiring either national or international knowledge. Paying for a daily briefing document to be delivered does no good if one lacks the basic skills to understand what is being referred to by the briefers.

Palin, the incompletist, has not progressed beyond junior high or middle school. She seems to have foregone intellectual achievement for athletics, fashion, and control of a clique. She learned, then, to play to the male equivalents of her clique in order to be rewarded with those things she wanted. It was frankly embarrassing to see her behave like a 16 year old would-be trollop during the debate with V.P. Biden. Every wink, wiggle, smirk, and innuendo used in her campaign lowered the bar on her candidacy and on her fan base. Despite the thoughts otherwise of the men who would vote for her based upon their perception of her as “hot” physical attractiveness is not a qualification for national elected office.

There have been many women who have served this nation quite capably in elected or appointed office. There have been many women who joined to defend this nation and paid with their lives. There are many women who are superbly qualified to hold public offices including the office of POTUS. Palin, the quitter has done every one of these women a grave disservice. Her failure to complete her terms of office, her use of sexuality as a campaign device, her lack of national and foreign policy knowledge, her habitual lies, ethical violations, and her willingness to roll back the 1st amendment for speech and religion are frightening and speak volumes about her utter incompetence and unsuitability to hold political office in this nation.

Someone needs to poke her with something sharp, repeatedly, until she realizes that she is no longer in middle school and that it is time to get off the stage.

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