Sunday, October 7, 2012

7 October 2012 ski trails down a mountainside

          Well, not quite yet, certainly not at this latitude and altitude.  But tack on 5-7 degrees N and 500-1000 feet of elevation and the snow guns will soon be splitting the autumn air with their icy call.  Killington, in Vermont hopes to be operational by 29 October.  I hope they make it.  Last winter was not encouraging for a healthy ski industry.
          The day is gray, chilly, and damp.  The October color changes are well underway in the higher elevations.  Snow has fallen in the high northern prairie states, providing a foretaste of the winter to come to those who may have forgotten what it is like; or who have been lulled into forgetfulness by the relatively mild nature of last winter. 
          The temperature at 1300 is 50.5°F.  This would be a good temperature to handle some of the rougher chores if it were dryer.  Still, some of those chores were accomplished yesterday, just before rain arrived, and others were accomplished today, in light, misty rain. 
          V’ger, the tortoise was moved indoors yesterday, taking up residence in winter quarters.  The well filters were topped off with 80 pounds of salt pellets yesterday and the live trap secured out of the weather. 
          Today, the larger plants migrated indoors, occupying winter quarters as well.   Gloria closed the crawlspace vents this morning. 
          All n all, it is a good day to nap, eat comfort foods for dinner, and enjoy life with Gloria.  

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