Thursday, October 18, 2012

18 October 2012 Its October, time for back channel weapons deals by the disloyal opposition

          In 1980, during the POTUS election campaigns James Carter struggled to win re-election.  He was hampered by inflation, gasoline shortages, and a failed attempt to rescue Americans held hostage by Iran in the wake of their Islamic revolution. 
          Despite those factors, the greatest damage to his re-election bid was caused by the back channel interference by the Reagan campaign, which negotiated with the Iranians to keep our personnel in captivity until Reagan had been sworn in, replacing  Carter.  There are many who disagree with my belief in Reagan’s actions; whether or not he was directly involved in the deal, whether or not his staff kept the action from him as well.  There is also the question of his mental status due to Alzheimer’s’   I will always believe Reagan knew and acted in his own self-interest.
          To my manner of thinking, any action by a U.S. citizen that results in the extended captivity of service men and women and/or diplomats, for personal gain, is treasonous.  While others may think highly of Ronald Reagan, I regard him as a traitor, willing to trade the freedom of our citizens for personal gain.  Iran later repaid Reagan by sponsoring a series of highjacking and terrorist strikes against American troops in Lebanon and Europe. 
          Romney wants to arm Syrian rebels in the fight against Assad’s regime.  He should learn from Reagan’s experience.  No gratitude on behalf of Syrians will come his way. Only Syrian and other jihadists using U.S. purchased weapons will result.  It would not surprise me to find that Romney-Ryan have already engaged in back channel negotiations to transfer weapons to Syrian rebels. 
          Romney makes much of his draft-dodging missionary work in the wilds of France.  He may be assuming that arming the Syrians will open the door to modifying their political and religious nature.  Like Eagan, any payback he garners will be most unwelcome.

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