Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 October 2012 Say the secret word, glorify Islam for all the world to see.

          The secret word is “botched assassination”  The brave fighters of the Pakistani Taliban have attempted to silence a 14 year old Pakistani woman who is possessed of sufficient courage to speak out against their intention to deny Pakistani women education and other civil rights and benefits. 
          She deliberately, publically, opposed the Taliban.  The Taliban, in an attempt to frighten her, issued an assassination order.  She labeled them the repressive, misogynistic, thugs that they are. 
          In a tribal society where honor is a killing matter, she painted the word, “coward,” on their foreheads for all the other thugs to see.  They attempted to assassinate her, attacking a van of unarmed young women.  Like the inept bullies they are commonly depicted as in the Western world, they bungled their attempt, botched the assassination, and left her alive. 
          The young woman has become a hero known worldwide for her great personal courage.  The Taliban will find no glory beyond their sordid tribal camps.  They have entered the ranks of the most despised murderers of history; the Crusaders, the Inquisitors of Spain, the KKK of America, the Einsatzgruppen and SS of Nazi Germany, and the spawn of a hundred groups ready to kill for their religion and the hatred, which it generates and feeds upon. 
Brave fighters of the Taliban, you have covered your selves, not in glory, but in eternal dishonor. 

          The Taliban exist by that name or another, in every major religion, which sees itself in a contest with other religions, to dominate the world.  India and Pakistan are engaged in a long-term war over territory, which is also interwoven with religion.  The Balkans are still fighting a centuries old war between Islam and Orthodox Catholicism.  The North American Continent features various Protestant Christian cults against Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism   Add Mormonism to that grocery list of supposed enemies, hoping to block the Protestant’s drive to replace a republic with a theocracy while simultaneously pushing American culture into the same repression of women that we claim to oppose in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 
          In our ongoing electoral process, Romney has squatted squarely in the repression camp.  In a bid to keep the teavangelists voting for him, he has declared that we should arm Syrians who will be “our friends.”  The attached graphic may sound suspiciously like the, “They all look alike!” refrain used when stopping black or Latino citizens to search for someone who may have committed a crime.
          The danger of arming Syria is quite readily apparent.  The various factions, be they of common religion, tribe, or other commonality do hate us for one or more reasons.  Arming them is simply shooting ourselves in the foot again.  Ideologically, they are all too similar in appearance.  To become involved in a ground war in the Middle East is to repeat the mistakes of the Bush II administration in an admixture with Reagan’s trickledown economics.   We have no rational reason to dance with either of those policies ever again. 

         Yes, Mitt, what ever could go wrong?

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