Monday, March 28, 2011

28 March 2011 honey to my ears

We live in a region of the country that is politically to the right of the majority of the current GOP and highly receptive to the rhetoric of the teavangelist mobs.

I spent part of the time between today’s classes sitting in on a lecture course on the humanities, art, architecture, music, literature, & philosophy. I’ve attempted to sit in on this lecture since I discovered it taking place. I enjoy it and find it a good refresher for some of my long ago electives. I also find it educational and interesting, broadening my knowledge base in miniscule, easily assimilated snippets.

When I slid into a seat in the rear of the lecture hall today, I noticed that the projection screen was displaying information about “The Communist Manifesto” and “Origin of Species.” The philosophy of Marx and Engels, as well as the observations and findings of Darwin were sources of lecture for about 50 good little sons and daughters of Tennessee. They sat quietly as the professor did his best to impart the core principles and findings of both books, the philosophy of all three authors, to them

He did his best to be fair, repeatedly disavowed any membership or support for a communist organization. He laid out the demand made by Marx and Engels on behalf of the world’s workers. He hammered on the conditions in factories, the lack of protection for laborers, the lack of minimum wage, employee benefits, workers, compensation, and all the other benefits and gains that have come from unionization in Europe and the U.S. He got no response from his students.

He laid out the methods used by Darwin and the nature of scientific theories. He did his best to counter the common anti-evolution bullshit without once mentioning religion other than stressing Darwin’s Christian faith. He got no response from his students and I said quietly, smiling.

I really have no idea what his students will carry from his class. I hope they come away with the desire to reform U.S. culture, society, and our political/economic system.

As for me, I found myself wanting to stand up and shout, “Remember Leon Trotsky!”

I didn’t; but the semester is not yet over.

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