Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 March 2011 Me, and a select group of Democrats…

I received a mass mailing survey today. It appears to be from the Democratic National Committee, from the desk of Governor Tim Kane, the DNC Chairman. It assumes familiarity in the salutation and includes me “among a select group of Democrats from around the nation who are receiving this official 2011 Presidential Survey.”

The author assumes me to be a “loyal Democrat and a supporter of President Obama.” The survey is spaced out on three pages and includes the inevitable appeal for money to “fund our efforts to fight the Republicans in Congress and to begin preparations for the 2012 presidential election.”

I’m not in class the afternoon so I will take the time to check the various boxes that they will use to compile their survey results. There’s a small space for comments. I believe I will take advantage of that space and let the DNC get a glimpse of my thoughts and my world.

Dear Tim,

How wonderful to know that I am suddenly numbered among Democrats. Since I have never joined the party, someone must have provided me with some sort of gift or complementary membership. Since I am described as “select”, I’d like to know both the criteria for my selection and what benefits selection affords me.

Here’s the flaw in your invitation to contribute. I am not now nor have I ever been a card-carrying Democrat.

I register to vote and consider myself an “Independent.” I have no “loyalty” to any political party but a tremendous amount of loyalty to the United States. That loyalty also prohibits even the slightest chance that I might register as a Republican. I have no tolerance for theocrats, teavangelists, teahadists, or the GOP in general.

I would like to, and try to vote for the person best qualified for the office in question. However, I almost always am left having to vote for the candidate that is the least objectionable. Being the Democratic Party candidate does not guarantee that one is the least objectionable. So I choose not to endorse any party.

You ask my opinion of the Republican Party. I have nothing but contempt for the Republican Party. They deal in lies, hatred, bigotry, corruption, and fully intend to sell the nation’s citizens our in order to further enrich their financial backers.

You should have asked my opinion of the semi-literate, xenophobic, anti-government mobs that are collectively called “tea party activists.” Just to be thorough, I find them less acceptable than the GOP.

Which bring us to your party. Frankly, Tim, the Democrats have been a colossal disappointment. Possessing a majority and a mandate, they allowed the GOP to block legislative action that our citizens needed desperately. They failed to support health care reform as a single payer or as a national policy for citizens. They failed to eliminate the Medicare prescription plan donut hole, failed to block extensions of the Bush tax reforms for the rich, caved in on numerous social safety net programs, and allowed the GOP to block any meaningful legislation during the first two years of Obama’s term in office. The words spineless, weak, ineffective, and worthless come to mind. I’m sure you know where to apply which word.

I support Obama as President because I honor the office. It appears to me that he is far more concerned with convincing the GOP to “like” him than in doing his job, as he should. It would be a good thing if he were somehow made aware that his job is not “to be liked.” I don’t vote based upon “likeability.”

Now, Tim, about that contribution you asked for. We live on a fixed income. The minimum $25.00 you want me to send to the DNC doesn’t even fill the gas tank these days. Of course, it might have bought more gasoline if the Democrats had been serious about financial reform. I guess that the big financial houses still need to be accommodated so that no trader, analyst, or investor goes without his 9-figure bonus this year. Don’t worry about those of us living on social security and hoping that Medicare premiums won’t be raised. We’ll just learn to eat less and expire sooner. (Oh, wait! That’s the GOP plan for the former middle class!)

I’d like to help you, Tim. Get back to me when the Democrats are willing to present a cohesive group of legislators who care more for their constituents than for their re-election campaigns. Get back to me when the Democrats are willing to act like FDR, JFK, and Harry Truman. Until then, I remain “Independent.”

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