Sunday, July 11, 2010

11 July 2010 Sarah Palinova

11 July 2010 Sarah Palinova

Under Cover of Ineptitude


Published: July 9, 2010

East Otis, Mass.

DON’T be too hard on those crazy Russian spies. If the goal of tradecraft is a natural appearance, they have carried out their instructions with style. As for the wisdom of living secret lives in obscure suburbs in the hope of befriending American neighbors who might someday be someone, it’s not such a zany enterprise if you stop to think that nine of the last 12 presidents of the United States were nobodies from nowhere, as are most of our generals, admirals, politicians, spymasters, bankers and chief executives. If you’re the head of the Russian intelligence service, it must be heartwarming to realize that any Russian boy or girl can grow up to be the best friend of, say, Sarah Palin — or even, with the right forged identity, the next Sarah Palin.

Let's Ask Moose and Squirrel ...

If I were a Russian spy, scheming to destroy the United States, I’d do my best to direct any hint of my hidden goals onto anyone who happened to oppose me. Palin’s continual lies about Obama’s religion and political stance are an excellent example of misdirection.

Her physical appearance does nothing for me but for a percentage of the American voting public it is sufficient to addle their brains and to cause them to forget what is really at stake in an election. The KGB reportedly had a school which provided female Soviet operatives training in seduction.

Palin’s apparent lack of intellect, her bumbling incompetency, and blatant use of misdirection and seduction to obtain voter support are certainly consistent with the way we would expect a sleeper agent to behave. Her presence at Alaska secession meetings and the continual demand to “take back our country” are not at all surprising when one recalls how and when we obtained Alaska. Are the Alaska separatists all secretly former Soviet Union agents?

I don’t believe any of this misinformation about Palinova. But given the huge amount of disinformation that is hurled at anyone opposing her steady stream of lies; it would be tremendously interesting to start a “Palinova = Commie sleeper agent” campaign. Who knows, it might just have some effect.

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