Saturday, July 10, 2010

10 July 2010 no particular place godot

10 July 2010 no particular place godot

We received .25 inches of rain last night. Today’s sun will make short shrift of that. Local farmers are in trouble. Our creek is in need of rain to keep it deep enough and cool enough for the trout. Fishing may be in order to keep the bigger ones from starvation or overheating.

Despite the lack of rain, the lawn is in need of mowing and trimming. I’m putting off those chores as long as possible.

The local sweet corn crop is in now. There are several road-side stands along Highway 107. We’ll probably buy a couple dozen ears and parboil them to freeze for later use. Last year we consumed two dozen ears within two weeks of freezing them.

I’ve been committed to look at a neighbor’s computer today. Unfortunately I am not able to designate the time when I want to look at it. The neighbor is away doing some sort of family thing that has no definite ending time. So we’re waiting on a phone call that may not come until the end of the afternoon.

In the meantime, I’ve pulled the blanket off the pool, added chlorine tabs to the float, trimmed as much of the weeds and vines around the pool as I can do with manual trimmers today, and am adding water to the pool so that I can brush it down and back flush it adequately. If I don’t clear enough dirt from the filters the clarity sensor in the heater will not allow the heater to ignite. I discovered this by paying a service call fee. The memory stopped me from having to pay another service fee in May.

The gas tank level is around 50% full as near as I can read the gauge. This tells us that the new solar blanket is doing its job adequately, heating what needs to be heated and preventing as much evaporation as possible given the pool’s location and the local micro-climate.

It is, at times, nearly impossible to stay outside when the local gnat population descends in force. This afternoon is such a time, low wind velocity and intermittent cloud cover. It becomes easy to breath in a mouthful of gnats when talking.

It would be a good day to hear some Chuck Berry. I’ve no particular place Godot has always been a favorite of mine.

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