Friday, August 5, 2011

5 August 2011 Just a bit off the front, please.

          Today, I intend to go into Greeneville and get a haircut.  I don’t like the sensation of shaggy hair curling into my ears.  I used to say that I couldn’t sit at a microscope with hair falling into my eyes.  However, there’s no microscope on my desk now, and there’s not much hair to fall into my eyes these days.
          I spent about 40 minutes in an old-fashioned barbershop, waiting for my turn.  I don’t mind the wait if there are no unruly kids.  There was none today. 
          As a teen, I was taken or sent to the barber at least every other week.  As the hairstyles for men changed, I went from crew cut or flattop to longer floppy hair.   There was a brief period during which we all used some sort of oily/greasy ointment to slick our hair back.  Brylcreme was a popular brand, as was the even oilier and earlier, “Wild Root Crème Oil,” proudly pimped by Al Capp’s Fearless Fosdick.”  Butch wax kept flat tops in place and left a trail of grease on everything one touched. 
          In the Army, weekly haircuts were required in garrison.   In the field, it was possible to delay a bit longer. 
          I really dislike paying very much for haircuts.  I’ve less and less hair and manage to wait about 2-3 months between haircuts now.  When I was heavily involved as an adult scout leader, I often reverted to crew cuts in order to avoid much messing with my hair.  I don’t like gels, ointments, greases, etc.  I have no patience for the blow-dry and other rituals.  I nearly told the barber to give me a crew cut this afternoon.  But Gloria has previously said she prefers other hairstyles.  She spends more time looking at my hair than I do, so I made no changes today. 
          When I walked in, she announced that she thought I should get my hair cut short.  Next time, I guess I will. 
          No significant news or opinions to relay today.
Shabbat Shalom!

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