Tuesday, August 23, 2011

23 August 2011 Idle suppositions


Rick Perry should stop and think

By Richard Cohen, Published: August 22

            “Whatever global warming might or might not have done to polar bears, it has put Rick Perry’s presidential candidacy at risk. The Republican Texas governor clings to an ice floe of diminishing credibility, emerging in just about a week’s time as intellectually unqualified to be president. He engaged in a brief dialogue with a child about evolution and came out the loser. Perry said there are some gaps in the theory. If so, he is one…”

“The reasons Sarah Palin wouldn’t run for president

            “As we get closer and closer to decision time, here are a few reasons to believe that she won’t pull the trigger (with the caveat that nobody really knows what she’ll do…
            “The argument goes that, if Palin was serious about running, Fox would have taken her off the air already.

Palin not so smart if she actually runs for president

            “…Most importantly, Palin won’t run because the level of accountability and scrutiny will intensify. Her penchant for put-downs and sarcasm won’t be enough to fend off her challengers in the GOP field or in the press or make up for her lack of policy depth. But if she proves naysayers like me wrong and actually gets in this thing, it’ll prove without a doubt that she is not as smart as I think she is”.
Cassi Creek:
          There is some hope that Perry will wreck his campaign by demonstrating that he is deep in the teavangelists’ pockets. 
          There is every hope that Palin may have already wrecked her potential campaign by failing to obtain any further education on the problems and concerns that matter.  Instead, she has played to the teavangelist base and sucked the dollars from their pockets for personal gain.  Perhaps that base will finally wake up and realize that she is as bad for them as she is for thinking Americans. 
          This morning I was up early for a trip to the dentist – routine maintenance.  We’ll have linguini with clam sauce for dinner. 

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