Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 July 2011 The big book of Red States fairy tales

A grand old cult
By Richard Cohen, Published: July 4
            “Someone ought to study the Republican Party. I am not referring to yet another political scientist but to a mental health professional, preferably a specialist in the power of fixations, obsessions and the like. The GOP needs an intervention. It has become a cult.”
Obama calls the GOP’s bluff
By Eugene Robinson, Published: July 4
           Here’s how to negotiate, GOP-style: Begin by making outrageous demands. Bully your opponents into giving you almost all of what you want. Rather than accept the deal, add a host of radical new demands. Observe casually that you wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to the hostage you’ve taken — the nation’s well-being. To the extent possible, look and sound like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining.”

The importance of the weather satellite
Published: July 3
            “As Stephen Stromberg pointed out in his June 30 PostPartisan [“Don’t gut the Weather Service”], allowing funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) to fall victim to political debate will negatively affect weather forecasting abilities.
            What he did not mention were the far-reaching consequences of such a scenario. The satellite’s data will continue to help military planners deploy troops; emergency managers fight wildfires and respond to other disasters; and farmers to plan for optimum planting. He also did not mention that this penny-wise, pound-foolish budgeting approach doesn’t just stop with JPSS funding. Results from cuts to science funding could also limit our ability to assess water quality and mitigate the impacts of natural disasters.”
            We need to reduce the national debt, but it would be a mistake to do that by sacrificing programs that protect public safety and national security and support global competitiveness.”
Christine W. McEntee, Washington  The writer is executive director and chief executive of the American Geophysical Union.

anderson negotiating rack 5 july 11.gif
Cassi Creek:  Anderson’s cartoon capably depicts the real differences in the positions of the Obama administration and the GOP/teavangelist mob. 
            The GOP has convinced itself and its minions and supporters that bringing about an economic collapse will not harm the nation or its population.  This is akin to believing that trickledown economics creates jobs and makes the once middle class wealthy. 
            Welcome to Ronnie Reagan’s Red States Fairy tale thinking.  It works like this; “If I believe it, it must be true.  If I say it often enough and loudly enough, it will happen.  If I lie about its failure loudly enough everyone will forget that it failed.”
            Join in that chorus and you, too, can help keep Tinkerbell alive for one more round of voodoo economic robbery.  Don’t believe in Tinkerbell (or perhaps the tooth fairy?)  Well picture them both grown up.  They look amazingly like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman. 

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