Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 July 2011 Vote Sarah for Queen

“Palin, who is considering a bid for the White House in 2012, has said raising the debt ceiling is inevitable, but that Republicans "better get something out of it." She has also been a proponent of the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge passed through the Republican-controlled House and failed in the Senate.  She has also been a proponent of the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" pledge passed through the Republican-controlled House and failed in the Senate.

The Tea Fragger Party

By Kathleen Parker, 

Fragging: “To intentionally kill or wound (one’s superior officer, etc.), esp. with a hand grenade.”

                Take names. Remember them. The behavior of certain Republicans who call themselves Tea Party conservatives makes them the most destructive posse of misguided “patriots” we’ve seen in recent memory…

            “the bottom line is that the Tea Party got too full of itself with help from certain characters whose names you’ll want to remember when things go south. They include, among others, media personalities who need no further recognition; a handful of media-created “leaders,” including Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips and Tea Party Patriots co-founders Jenny Beth Martin andMark Meckler (both Phillips and Martin declared bankruptcy, yet they’re advising Tea Party Republicans on debt?); a handful of outside groups that love to hurl ad hominems such as “elite” and “inside the Beltway” when talking about people like Boehner when they are, in fact, the elite (FreedomWorks, Heritage Action, Club for Growth, National Taxpayers Union,Americans for Prosperity); and elected leaders such as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, head of the Republican Study Committee, and South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who grandstand and make political assertions and promises that are sheer fantasy.

            “Meanwhile, freshman House members were targeted and pressured by some of the aforementioned groups to vote against Boehner’s plan. South Carolina’s contingent was so troubled that members repaired to the chapel Thursday to pray and emerged promising to vote no. Why? Not because Jesus told them to but because they’re scared to death that DeMint will “primary” them — find someone in their own party to challenge them.

                Where did they get an idea like that? Look no further than Sarah Palin’s Facebook page, where she warned freshmen about contested primaries and urged them to “remember us ‘little people’ who believed in them, donated to their campaigns, spent hours tirelessly volunteering for them, and trusted them with our votes.” Her close: “P.S. Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries.” While they’re at it, they also should remember that Palin came to the Tea Party long after the invitations went out. The woman knows where to hitch a wagon.

Cassi Creek:
                We find ourselves in a strange position today, looking at a column by Kathleen Parker and finding much to agree with.  Parker, having called Palin unsuitable for office in 2008, and not having altered her  opinion, must feel as if her back displays one of Palin’s “surveyors’ marks.” 
                The current behavior of our Congress displays some of the worst of our nation’s behaviors.  We are watching government held hostage by a minority, one that has little experience, less knowledge, and no understanding of the scope of the disaster they plan to visit upon the world’s economy in order to carry out their middle school antics.    The teavangelists show an utter contempt for their fellow citizens – the vast majority that did not and will not ever vote for them.  They have formed a clique that has no purposeful existence other than to exclude everyone else.  They can pass notes –electronic is just as good as paper these days.  They can hold secret midnight meetings to plan how they will force everyone else to cater to them in order to obtain their votes.  Other than having a parentally ordained curfew, they are little different than they were in 8th grade. 
                They were dangerous as 8th graders when they controlled the social milieu – dominating the majority who should have known better – and placing their own in all the social spotlight roles.    They somehow parlayed that 8th grade dominance into adult occupations of equally undeserved prominence until they once more convinced a poorly educated mob to vote for them again. 
                Here’s something that we all should recall.  If football player/Adonis was a schmuck at age 14, he’ll be and equal or greater schmuck at 30.  If the social queen dominatrix was a vacuum-brained pregnancy waiting to happen at menarche, she’ll be equally demanding and equally a social tragedy as she tries to parlay rapidly fading pulchritude into some role that she can commandeer without intellect of ethics when the monthly Botox injections no longer lure the aging Adonis’s. 

                Ms Parker offers truth about the GOP and their teavangelist minions.  I am happy that she is aware of the definition of “fragging” I’m afraid that she is already marked to be fragged.  Palin knows how to hold a grudge, and is marginally clever enough to know how deeply Parker has damaged her social/political facades.  Sarah doesn’t want to be President, she wants to be homecoming queen. 

                Lest we forget, Roe = REMF!

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