Thursday, November 18, 2010

18 November 2010 They can’t be that stupid again, can they?

The Party of National Security?

Published: November 17, 2010

“The world’s nuclear wannabes, starting with Iran, should send a thank you note to Senator Jon Kyl. After months of negotiations with the White House, he has decided to try to block the lame-duck Senate from ratifying the New Start arms control treaty.

The treaty is so central to this country’s national security, and the objections from Mr. Kyl — and apparently the whole Republican leadership — are so absurd that the only explanation is their limitless desire to deny President Obama any legislative success.

The Republicans like to claim that they are the party of national security. We can only hope that other senators in the party will decide that the nation’s security interests must trump political maneuvering…”

In a word, Yes! They could be that stupid again. The people who voted for George W. Bush the first time were stupid. Certainly, no one thought that they’d vote for him a second time. No one could be that stupid. They were and they did. The nation wound up with two undeclared and unfunded wars, a destroyed economy; not quite a worldwide depression only because no one in a position of real authority named it one.

Fast forward to 2008 and look at the idiot rumors concerning Barak Obama’s place of birth, religion, and political stance. Somehow, a large portion of our population not only listened to these rumors and lies but came to believe them. The Idiot winds that gave motion to these rumors are highly paid demagogues who call their selves entertainers. They are not. Rather, they are lineal descendents of Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda machine that came into being in the 1930s. They are tied into the hatred and bigotry spread by Father Coughlin, by the Klan, and by McCarthy, dealing in blatant lies that somehow are seized upon as true by people who lack the capacity and the interest in discovering the truth for their selves.

Listen to the screeching lies and innuendo that issue from the mouth of Sarah Palin, part demagogue, part, homecoming queen candidate, and full-time harpy. Look at the faces of her supporters as she calls for violence and then denies doing so. Look at her supporters when she blames her problems on Katie Couric and a biased press/media out to torpedo her campaign. Listen to her supporters as she reads ghostwritten speeches with cores of hatred, of removing economic safety nets, of paying off businesses that will never produce jobs.

Look at the faces of the unemployed, finding no work in our factories, they still support tax breaks for the ultra-rich, still imagine that they will somehow be rewarded with jobs that aren’t shipped off-shore as soon as they are created.

We’ve been dealing with one economic disaster after another since the Reagan administrations. Jobs have been off-shored, out-sourced, and simply lost while corporations are handed a series of rewards by the congresses they fund with under the table cash. We’ve been voting against the best interests of everyone but the top 1% of our citizens. We been handed one lie after another by the GOP and its various wings. Things have only gone from bad to worse.

Now the stupid among us have handed the House of Representatives back to the very people who have, for once, been honest enough to admit that they plan to dismantle every social program created since Roosevelt’s New Deal. That’s right, they plan to demolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, civil rights laws that ended segregation, affordable college loans for students, They plan to take the nation back to the 1930s or beyond; to the days of child labor, sweat shops, no public health services, no Food and Drug Agency to assure safe foods and medicines. They’ll probably hand education over to churches so that we fall behind that part of the world, which has purged religion from government and education.

There’s a very real possibility that the harpy from Alaska will run for POTUS. She’s been handed enough money to start a campaign and is, unfortunately, supported by a large percentage of the terminally stupid. It doesn’t seem possible that any person capable of feeding their self would find it possible to believe her lies and to vote for her. However, we are breeding more and more people who can’t understand the issues that trouble this nation. At the same time, the intelligent are paying attention to the dangers of overpopulation in today’s world and are de-breeding. It is time for everyone who is unwilling to live with Sarah Palin in high office to actively work to prove her to be the liar, quitter, and incompetent that we know her to be. She must be stopped, because, yes, they really are that stupid!

If any example is needed, the article about a planned delay or refusal to confirm a nuclear weapons treaty with Russia should be sufficient. Any Senator willing to delay or derail such a treaty have no memory of the Cold War, no memory of how utterly dangerous nuclear weapons are. Then, anyone too stupid to delay this treaty is also unlikely to believe in global either warming or nuclear winter. Yes, they really are that stupid.

As H.L. Mencken reminded us,” No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." They most assuredly can, and most likely will, be that stupid yet again.

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