Saturday, February 19, 2011

19 February 2011 Wrong tea party, check your invitation for the correct address.

The idiots are loose in the halls of the House of Representatives. The “teavangelists and teahadists have mistaken their elections for a license to disrupt government. They’ve arrived in D.C. thinking they are historically linked to the “Boston Tea Party.” They should be searching for another address. They are currently at the wrong party.

The GOP has, so far, failed to disabuse these crusaders of the notion that they are going to significantly change how our government works. That will be left to the lobbyists and delivery boys for the various corporations that finance the right wing American politicians. The money for re-election will serve as a corrupting agent that will eventually fold the teahadists into the greater mass of the GOP ranks. While they all arrived in D.C. intending to avoid the usual incorporation pattern that other legislators have undergone, they will eventually find that they are just as prone to becoming part of the GOP/corporate machine as the people they replaced.

The danger they pose now is that they exist in sufficient numbers to impact the total right wing behavior. They have assumed office believing in no, or very limited, taxation. They are opposed to the current POTUS because of his race as well as his party membership. They are likely to support the shift from our democratic republic into a theocracy controlled by the southern fundamentalist evangelical Christians. They have fallen into the trap of believing that the GOP has the best interests of the working class citizen and the former middle class at heart. They plan to gut the government as rapidly as possible but have no realization of how that will affect them, their constituents, or the nation’s citizens.

They plan to gut education, energy research, environmental regulation, health care, occupational safety, CDC, and the FDA. They will remove science research funding at the insistence of the teavangelists. Their long-term goal is to remove all social programs, all safety nets, publically funded education. They will do everything in their power to abolish PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, and any other birth control education.

They intend to roll the nation backward to the 1800s and leave it there. The end result, if they are allowed to proceed with such action will be found in today’s Mexico. It is not a pretty image. Unlike them, I have no desire to live in teabagistan. Neither does anyone else who gives it any rational thought.
For now, if they show up at your door, direct them to that other tea party, the one Carroll described so well.

1 comment:

  1. "They have fallen into the trap of believing that the GOP has the best interests of the working class citizen and the former middle class at heart".
    That sums it up nicely.
