Monday, May 17, 2010

17 May 2010 time to set up a dog blind

17 May 2010 time to set up a dog blind

The promised rains have arrived. Small thunderstorm cells are entraining along the Tennessee/North Carolina border. A bit of heavy rain would be welcome today. The path to the mailbox is heavily littered with dog feces left behind by the uncontrolled dogs that are owned by the bad neighbor across the road.

A long career spent looking at concentrated feces through a microscope tells me that these dogs are parasite-laden. The nature of the offensive material suggests dogs scavenging for food, and the frequently dropped. Partially eaten fast food containers confirm scavenging.

This afternoon will be consumed by ca. half an NRA handgun course.

Palin’s latest pronouncements demonstrate an immense disconnect from the reality of birth control and family planning as it affects people who don’t have dual incomes, who don’t use other children as babysitters instead of keeping them in school, and who aren’t rabid fundamentalist Christians who believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed. I fail to understand how anyone can find her acceptable for any political office. But these are the same people who voted for Reagan and George W Bush, swallowing the trickle down economic myth, repeatedly. Guess who the idiot across the street would vote for.

I was regaled this morning with an account of Newt Gingrich’s speech to the NRA convention. Gingrich is another of the more despicable GOP persons of ill intent; willing to sell out the nation for profits and power. I avoided commenting and simply put pavement behind my shoes. Score one for patience.

According to the NWS, locally heavy rains are possible. Hope it works out that way.

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