Cassi Creek: We are
close enough to fault lines to undergo an occasional earthquake of low
magnitude. So far, we’ve managed to not
hear or feel the ones that have occurred since we moved here. Still, as with any mountainous region of the
planet, earthquakes are possible.
There are no
active volcanoes in the region that I know of.
There are several areas where hot springs or warm springs reach the
surface, indicating some remnant or small pocket of geothermal activity.
Today, this caught my eye.
Studying Mini Earthquakes Provides Clues to Volcanic Behavior

Studying Mini Earthquakes Provides Clues to Volcanic Behavior

explore causes and pathways of volcanic eruptions to better predict major
On this Independence Day, I am greatly
concerned about the degree of polarization present among the populace. The GOP and the allied teavangelists and
assorted “Christian” demagogues and ideologues have convinced ca. half the
populace that the only acceptable resolution for the nation’ s economic and
socio-cultural problems is to eschew education, remove all taxation from the
super rich, and to abrogate the social safety nets from supposed freeloaders
who are viewed as unwanted outlanders and parasites.
This same populace claims to be
desirous of “defending and restoring the Constitution.” However, they are revising history as taught
in public schools to reflect their own right wing, racist, and anti-female bias. The masses are content to be pacified with
televised athletics and cheap beer and will almost invariably allow the GOP
propagandists to convince them to vote against their own self-interests while
placing the blame for the current economic dislocation upon the former middle
class and the formerly employed poor.
Concurrently, the Democrats exhibit
little ability to govern. Congress is
inept, out of touch with the needs and desires of the populace not sedated by
the GOP’s propaganda machine. They are
doing next to nothing to block the GOP’s attempts at voter suppression or to
block the GOP’s war on women and on the social safety nets. There is no organized effort to roll back the
attempted religious takeover that the GOP encourages. It is time for an active women’s party and an
active atheist party.
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